Gratitude for Community

A Summary of the June Virtual Parent Group This month we expressed gratitude for community. Being a parent of a PWS can be a lonely journey, and having an organization with brilliant SLPs who can help us better understand stuttering, while also providing an...

A Parallel Process for Parents

A Summary of the May Virtual Parent Group “Today, we talked about how there is a parallel process going on for parents. They, like their children who stutter, experience similar things. They both worry about what other people think, feel fear and shame around...

Diversas formas de apoyar a nuestros hijos

Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de mayo en español Fuimos un grupo de 25 personas en el Grupo en Español para Padres de Niños y Adolescentes que Tartamudean, representando una mezcla diversa de padres de 11 países diferentes. Fue increíble compartir...

A Hope About Our Children’s Lives

A Summary of the April Virtual Parent Group “At parent group this month we talked about grieving fluency. We sometimes have an idea or a hope about our children’s lives that has to be grieved in order to truly see who our child is, and who we all can become in light...

Una Sesión Increíblemente Enriquecedora

Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de marzo en español “Se unieron 19 personas y tuvimos una sesión increíblemente enriquecedora y de apoyo en nuestro grupo para familiares. Ser testigo de la conversación entre familias que enfrentan desafíos similares...

Feeling Encouraged and Less Alone

A Summary of the March Virtual Parent Group “The parent group today was wonderful. We talked about our experiences with our children who stutter, how they can help us grow, and how we can best support and advocate for them. Author, Dori Holte, shared insights from her...
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