I Am Glad We Did It!

by Matthew K. Hi, my name is Matthew. I go to the Lawrence Middle School in Lawrence, New York, and I am in the sixth grade. I have seven brothers and three sisters. My mother and father are Reina and Chris. One of my brothers died when he was only six months old. I...

Going Off to College

by Michael Caggiano GOING OFF TO COLLEGE?  Here are a few tips from a recent graduate. As a recent college graduate who has stuttered for 23 years, I would like to pass along a few tips to deal with stuttering for those about to begin their college career. First, let...

Claire’s Letter

Dear ————– , My name is Claire G. and I will be your student this year. I’m probably like most 7th graders, except I stutter. In the past, you may have had stuttering students, so you might know what to do when I speak. Here are some...

When It’s Over

by Pat Badgley Hi. Last Tuesday, which was International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD), I did a presentation about stuttering to my 6th grade class. Before the presentation I thought to myself that I really didn’t want to do this and just cancel it. My...
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