27th Annual Convention

Book Hotel

Scholarship Information

Friends’ mission is to provide support, education and empowerment to young people who stutter, their families and clinicians. We encourage you to request financial help rather than withdraw from attending the convention. To experience the convention at its fullest, scholarship recipients are asked to join the full convention, from opening ceremony to closing ceremony.

Scholarships applications for the 27th Annual Convention in Denver are now closed. If you have any further questions, please email scholarships@friendswhostutter.org.

Help Send a Family to Friends!

We have received a record number of scholarship applications for this year’s convention in Denver, Colorado. We are thrilled that so many families have found Friends, and while we are offering more scholarships than we ever have before, we are still unable to meet the needs fully.

Can you help with a “just in time” fundraiser to help young people who stutter and their families attend the convention? 100% of funds raised will go towards scholarships.

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