See What FRIENDS kids have to say…
- I wish you would listen to me
- I wish you would “get” me
- I will always remember Friends no matter how old I get
- I learned that stutterers have lots of support, no matter what
- I’ve learned that its O. K. to stutter
- I learned to be confident and you can still be a good communicator even if you stutter
- Stuttering makes my child extra special
- More understanding of how stuttering affects my son
- To find ways to cope with this problem my son has
- I learned about dating, stuttering, and a little baseball
- I wish you would let me express my opinions
- F riendship
- R iveting
- I nteresting
- E nergized
- N ever gets boring
- D efinitely cool!
- S pecial in a good way
- I will always remember the friends I met and feeling so comfortable being myself
- I learned that being with a friend in the dark is better than being alone in the light