- Meet new people and help others any way I can
- My daughter will go to the group she is most comfortable in Young Adult or Teen.
- Help someone else or another family realize what I have and that stuttering is just another part of him.
- My best hope for this weekend is to learn to become more supportive of the person I love who stutters.
- For my family to form even deeper friendships.
- I hope I learn to be more patient when I am pressed for time and my son is having a “bad hair day.”
- Share hopes, dreams, and experiences with other parents and watch children grow and feel excited.
- I hope my son tries something uncomfortable to him (open mic, being on panel). I hope my son welcomes new people into the group. I hope to improve how to listen to a person who stutters. I hope my son leaves with renewed confidence.
- I hope to learn stronger patience with my son. I hope to learn how to help my son understand that there are also struggles that a parent goes through.
- To watch other kids grow as our boys did.
- Learning about different methods of therapy. Coping mechanisms for Sean in order to deal with ridicule from peers. Understanding some of the causes of triggers of stuttering.
- I hope that by reaching out to others both kids who stutter and, I can reach a deeper comfort with how to support my daughter in the life phase she is in right now.
- I hope Joe gets more comfortable with his stuttering and doesn’t let it stop him from doing what he wants.
- I hope that my son can embrace his stuttering more and I want to reach out to new families.
- That my daughter will gain more confidence and that I can be a resource to other parents and to have fun!
- My daughter continues to be more outgoing and make more friends at Friends.
- My best hope for the weekend is to make more progress at letting fo of my anxiety over my son’s shyness and his difficulty with spontaneous conversation/socialization.
Adults who stutter
- I wish to give and receive support and to feel the love of this community.
- I want to be able to help someone new realize that stuttering doesn’t define us, it is only a little part of us!
- I wish I would lose myself consciousness and be more comfortable in my own skin.
- I wish for the love to flow!
- My wish is to make at least one new friend.
- I wish to build my self confidence.
- I wish for everyone to leave this conference with a smile and a new friend.
- I wish to learn from other people, different ways of living with and managing my stuttering.
Speech therapists/other
- I wish to learn to become a better listener for my patients.
- I wish for people to accept and like me as I am.
- My wish is to lose my agenda and to laugh a lot and just have fun.
- I would like to learn how to allow for a client to feel comfortable talking about their feelings with me and opening up.
- I wish to have just as magical of a time here this year even though I am only her with brother.
- I would like to learn more about my difficulties in relating to others.
- I wish I could accept that I am not a fixer even though I know I don’t’t want to be a fixer sometimes my emotions kick in and I feel responsible to fix.
- What I’d like to get from the convention is to feel comfortable learning from mistakes instead of turning them into feelings of guilt. Most importantly to listen better.
- Learn how to utilize my clinical skills and experience as a person who stutters to facilitate older people who stutter in reaching their life and speech goals.
- I want to be able to share my insight with younger kids who stutter and continue to learn from everyone here.
- Meet people I can network with throughout the year.
- I want to gain confidence and speak what is on my mind with less fear.
- I wish that as a grad student, here, I will connect with the kids and have on conversation about how it’s okay to stutter.
- Great experience with children , teens and adults who stutter and those who care for them. New perspective on parent relationships , parent to slp, and parent to child.
- My wish for me is to learn and absorb as much as I can from others and to take away a lot.
- My wish Is that the three children I work with will feel not alone in their stuttering, but part of a larger community and that their parents ill let go, or better understand, any feelings of guilt or anxiety they have about their child’s stuttering.
- To reconnect with the larger stuttering community.
- My wish for this convention is to get even more inspired to be the best therapist I can be and be able to pass it on to at least one of my peers.
- I wish to meet and interact with other people who stutter and to establish life long relationship with these individuals.
- My wish is to learn about the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of parents, adults, and children who stutter and who are part of the stuttering community.
- I wish to learn how to be a better listener and gain knowledge about stuttering.
- I wish to have fun while learning new ways to listen and actively and constructively knowing when to listen and when to talk.
- I hope to connect with some new families.
- To be able to learn as much as possible to improve my ability to help my clients find the voice they want.
- I wish to put myself out there more with the parents and slips to learn from their experiences.
- My wish during this convention is to understand at many levels.
- To continue to learn and grow and be a better clinician and teacher to my students .
- Continue to learn and to listen.
Kids who stutter
- I wish I could do the epic cannon ball.
- I wish I can meet people.
- I wish I can go to the dance with a bunch of my friends
- I wish the convention will help my stuttering
- I wish I can win an ipad.
- I wish I could go swimming everyday and meets lots of people.
- I wish I can meet new friends!
- I wish that I will have a good time.
- I wish I would find a swimsuit and find a not-so-deep part of the pool. (yeah I’m a chicken)
- I wish that the workshops are good.
- I want to be the best sibling I can be. (help with the sibling workshops, meet all new siblings, plane for next year’s siblings workshop)
- I want to meet 5 new people.
- My wish is that everyone finds their new inner confidence and discover a part of themselves they never knew they had.
- I wish that no one would ever make fun of people for stuttering.
- I wish that every single first timer has an excellent time here. Also, I wish these three days will be very long and fun.
- Have a good time and meet new people
- My wish is to be able to meet other people who stuttering and to hear their inspirational stories. Also to learn to be more accepting of myself that I am a person who stuttering and learn to embrace that it is who I am
- Just to have fun
- My goal is to be open during the conference , but I am on the shy side.
- My wish that I could get my degree in civil engineering and marine biology, then creat the first undersea village and live in one of the houses with my family. We would farm kelp and fish while exploring the trenches for new species. This underwater city would be called “Atlantis.”
- I wish that I will be friends with more people.
- I wish to make lasting friendships.
- I wish to eat good food.
- I want to have an awesome time.
- My wish is you will have a great convention.
- To make new friends. To hang out with my friends and meet new people who stutter.
- I hope my brother feels more comfortable about stuttering around new people he meets. I would love to see him accept himself truly.
- I wish I had a cool car.
- I wish meeting friends who stuttering gives me the motivation to use my strategies.
- I wish that the new families have a great experience and are able to come back.
- I wish that I’ll meet some new friends.
- To have higher confidence when speaking in front of people.
- I wish I will make a lot of new friends.
- I wish I become more comfortable with speaking more outgoing.
- I wish I gain the confidence to come out of my shell and talk to new people. I wish all the 1st timers have a great time and come back.
- My wish this convention is to have the best time out of all the conventions I have been to meet nice people.
- I wish that I will have a great time and meet new and fabulous people.
- I wish to be more open and less ashamed of my speech.
- To have a fun time
Newer families
- To add to the speech tools toolbox
- Learning more about stuttering and become a part of the community.
- I hope to connect with other stutterers. I hope to learn some tips for helping Ian communicate better and get less frustrated.
- Learn more about stuttering.
- Learn more about my stuttering
- Wish to learn how other parents have coped with children starting school.
- Knowing that he is not alone and learn to strengthen from others participants . Learn to slow down, when trying to speak
- Have fun, meet friends and share experiences
- We want to reconnect with families we met last year, meet new friends, and hopefully learn new things.
- Make new friends who stutter
- We wish this will be the best friends convention ever.
- I wish to make it till Saturday night without any trouble.
- Our wish is to make friends who we will communicate with even after the convention
- To meet new friends
- I wish that Evan will have fun reconnection with his friends who stutter.
- That my daughter will gain even more confidence
- Continue to build new friendships with other parents. For my kids to make new friendship and build on the ones they have. Reinforce the confidence that my daughter has gain in past conferences with her speaking.
- To help me with my stuttering and help me with my daughter and not to speak for her.
- For my daughter to know she is not alone or me either. Some tips on how to deal with it a little better. I want to not be afraid to be my talkative, outgoing self that is inside trying to get out.
- I would like to be more comfortable with my speech.
- I wish that I get lots of friends.
- To make friends and have a good time
- More info about stuttering and secondary habits that go with it. Also how to better parent my grandsons who stutters.
- Connect with other families of stutterers and develop connections