Daily interactions help us to continuously push ourselves

A Summary of the May Virtual Adult Group “We had a great group tonight. We started the group talking about how our stuttering changes when we are more isolated versus having daily interaction with people. The daily interactions help to continuously push ourselves and...

Listener reactions, disclosure, and growth

A Summary of the May Virtual Teen Group “The teens had a great meet-up on 5/8/24! After some ice breaker activities, we had a lively discussion about what bugs us about how listeners react to our stuttering. Some teens in the group had previously disclosed their...

Diversas formas de apoyar a nuestros hijos

Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de mayo en español Fuimos un grupo de 25 personas en el Grupo en Español para Padres de Niños y Adolescentes que Tartamudean, representando una mezcla diversa de padres de 11 países diferentes. Fue increíble compartir...

A Hope About Our Children’s Lives

A Summary of the April Virtual Parent Group “At parent group this month we talked about grieving fluency. We sometimes have an idea or a hope about our children’s lives that has to be grieved in order to truly see who our child is, and who we all can become in light...

Acceptance is a journey, rather than a single event

A Summary of the April Virtual Adult Group “We had a wonderful group with participants from across the globe, with a few people who were meeting others who stutter for the very first time! We had an insightful discussion about voluntary stuttering, and one of our...

Best Friends Were Made

A Summary of the April Virtual Teen Group “Best friends were made in April’s teen session! Teens from all over the country – East Coast to West Coast – came to talk about speaking up for themselves, standing up for ourselves, and educating others about...
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