For Parents

The parent of a child who stutters may have many concerns and fears. Below are some articles that may help by providing inspiration and support for parents.

How can FRIENDS help?

How has your child’s stuttering affected you?

Teens, Parents, Adults, SLPs sharing

Gratitude for Community

A Summary of the June Virtual Parent GroupThis month we expressed gratitude for community. Being a parent of a PWS can be a lonely journey, and having an organization with brilliant SLPs who can help us better understand stuttering, while also providing an environment...

A Parallel Process for Parents

A Summary of the May Virtual Parent Group“Today, we talked about how there is a parallel process going on for parents. They, like their children who stutter, experience similar things. They both worry about what other people think, feel fear and shame around...

Diversas formas de apoyar a nuestros hijos

Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de mayo en españolFuimos un grupo de 25 personas en el Grupo en Español para Padres de Niños y Adolescentes que Tartamudean, representando una mezcla diversa de padres de 11 países diferentes. Fue increíble compartir nuestras...

A Hope About Our Children’s Lives

A Summary of the April Virtual Parent Group“At parent group this month we talked about grieving fluency. We sometimes have an idea or a hope about our children’s lives that has to be grieved in order to truly see who our child is, and who we all can become in light of...

Una Sesión Increíblemente Enriquecedora

Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de marzo en español"Se unieron 19 personas y tuvimos una sesión increíblemente enriquecedora y de apoyo en nuestro grupo para familiares. Ser testigo de la conversación entre familias que enfrentan desafíos similares fue...

Feeling Encouraged and Less Alone

A Summary of the March Virtual Parent Group“The parent group today was wonderful. We talked about our experiences with our children who stutter, how they can help us grow, and how we can best support and advocate for them. Author, Dori Holte, shared insights from her...

Loving Our Children Exactly As They Are

A Summary of the January Virtual Parent Group“The Support Group for Parents of children who stutter kicked off well in the new year. We had a dozen parents willing to show up and share their experiences. The support group began off with a moment of silence to honor...

Parent’s Thoughts

Be open about your stuttering; talk about it, it’s ok. I don’t think of you any differently than my other kids who don’t stutter. You can be up front about your stuttering. Being open about it can help you and people you talk to. We really love you. Nothing is...

How Stuttering Changed Our Lives

by Melanie Haiken By the time she was six years old, my daughter Linnea had almost stopped talking. Although she was one of the best students in her grade, she refused to raise her hand in class. When I drove a carpool full of loud, giggling girls chattering about...

What Parents Want Their Kids to Know:

I want you to know that I love you endlessly. It is to know many times what you’re feeling I wish you would  be less protective I hope to be a successful in life as you when I grow up Thank you for helping me. I truly love you more than life itself I really don’t care...

Wishes for Others – Denver

Dear Ian, I wish you were a millionaire! Plus cool hat! Also I wish you would never be bullied again. From, Evan Dear Wraith (chase), I hope you learn stuttering techniques. Your friend,Ian To: Ian honey badger Hope to be your captain next year and bring your shirt....

Wishes for Self – Denver

Parents: Meet new people and help others any way I can My  daughter will go to the group she is most comfortable in Young Adult or Teen. Help someone else or another family realize what I have and that stuttering is just another part of him. My best hope for this...

Parent’s Thoughts

At the October 2008 Friends One Day Workshop in Iowa Friends, parents were asked for their thoughts on their child’s stuttering.

I am So Proud!!

For weeks, my daughter Ashlee, age 13, had been talking about doing a presentation on stuttering in front of her class or at an assembly, and I was getting more and more nervous. I was concerned about how her peers would respond, and I did not want her to be disappointed or hurt if it did not go as she expected.


Einstein, as well as other scientists, have given us the wonderful insight that time isn’t as fixed as we might have believed. It can, in fact, speed up and slow down, sometimes at perplexingly the most inopportune moments.

The Power of Listening

Trust has been described as the main component in any healthy relationship. Unfortunately, many therapeutic relationships are not built on trust and therefore growth is often limited (Luterman, 2001). In order to strengthen the client/clinician relationship, one must realize that building trust takes work.

A Parent Pledge

Because we recognize that parents need to become strong supporters of their children who stutter, and because we are advocates for our children, ensuring the right of each to become a strong confident and assertive individual who is allowed to achieve all he or she is capable of becoming….

Not Knowing Much About Stuttering

I am the parent of an adult who stutters. Having been asked to speak, I was a little anxious at first, because I haven’t spoken in front of a large group in several years. Thinking about that, made me more aware of and sensitive to the challenge and struggle that my son, and others who stutter, must face on a daily basis…

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