A Summary of the February Virtual Adult Group

“We had 10 people join our adult group on February 8th. Some joined from as far as the Phillippines, where it was 9AM! We discussed the pressure of hiding stuttering, the sometimes long and challenging process of revealing our stuttering to our world, and the confidence and peace that we often feel after doing so. One member decided to make a call to Trader Joes on speaker phone with lots of open and on-purpose stuttering – this has really helped him feel much more confident lately. We spoke about how to carry over stuttering management techniques from the therapy office to our everyday lives, and how a fear of stuttering can make this even harder. Lastly, we talked about the Friends annual convention in Denver, and the important role that adults who stutter play in the organization.

— Róisín McManus on facilitating the February 8 Adult Group

Register today for our upcoming adult group here! And learn more about our virtual programs for kids, teens, adults, and parents here.

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